It’s always important to remember that good oral health habits like brushing and flossing will not only keep you healthy, but will speed up your orthodontic treatment as well! Some specific candies can hinder your progress as it’s possible for them to get stuck in your braces, or even break brackets or wires. Drs. Raymond Kubish and Drew Ferris, certified orthodontists in Santa Barbara, CA says that these should be avoided at all costs in order to reduce the possibility of any setbacks during your treatment. That’s why they and the team at Kubisch and Ferris Orthodontics are here today- to explain the harm that these candies can do to your teeth!

Jelly Beans
It’s always fun to dig into a big pile of jelly beans left in your basket on Easter morning, but these little candies can do a lot of harm. They can stick to your brackets, and actually break them or pull them off of your teeth. Drs. Raymond Kubish and Drew Ferris say that because of their high sugar content, they’re a prime food source for plaque that builds up in your mouth, overall reducing your general dental health.

Chocolate Bunnies
Although some can be solid or completely hollow, the chocolate bunny is an Easter classic. Regardless, a Kubisch and Ferris Orthodontics associate tells us that chocolate is actually one of the worst culprits causing plaque accumulation. It’s important to brush and floss regularly to reduce the amount of bacteria buildup; otherwise you may be in worse shape than when you started your orthodontic treatment.

Mini Eggs
These little candy-coated chocolate eggs are a famous Easter treat around the world. Although delicious, the hard candy coating is not so great for your braces, as they make it possible for you to break specific parts or bend wires. Drs. Raymond Kubish and Drew Ferris say if you must eat these, gently crack the coating with your back teeth, and let the chocolate melt in your mouth. Be sure to brush afterwards!

Marshmallow Chicks
Who doesn’t love to bite into a cute, brightly-colored, sugary Peep? Just remember that the soft and gooey marshmallow can get stuck in your brackets, and one of our Kubisch and Ferris Orthodontics friends says that you may require careful cleaning to remove it.

Hard or Soft Caramel
The stickiest offender among those mentioned; caramels can actually pull brackets right off of your teeth. Drs. Raymond Kubish and Drew Ferris recommend eating the hard candies, as it’s more difficult for them to get stuck to anything, and sucking on them is virtually harmless provided some brushing is done at some point afterwards.

If you plan on eating lots of candy this Easter, then plan on doing lots of cleaning as well! Brushing and flossing are imperative in keeping your teeth clean and healthy, and will advance and quicken your orthodontic treatment. If you’re looking for an orthodontist in Santa Barbara, CA who can provide you or your children with healthy brushing tips, quality treatment with braces, or knowledge of every candy in the book, then Kubisch and Ferris Orthodontics is here for you! Calling 805-964-4786 will connect you to one of our fantastic Kubisch and Ferris Orthodontics friends, who will be happy to schedule you a free initial consultation with Drs. Raymond Kubish and Drew Ferris. Don’t wait, call today, and have a super-great Easter!

Patients with orthodontic problems can benefit from orthodontic treatment in Santa Barbara, CA at any age. Your teeth are unique, just like you, and Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics in Santa Barbara, CA can evaluate your teeth’s progress and provide the best orthodontic care. Whether you are 7 years old or 50 years old, braces can help straighten your smile. After a first assessment of your teeth and gums, Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris will be able to discuss whether or not braces are right for you.

When’s The Right Time For Braces?

While patients at any age can benefit from orthodontic treatment, there are a few specific ages where treatment is optimal. Children should see an orthodontist and get an evaluation to address any possible issues by the age of 7 years old. This will help Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris become aware of the progress, development, and growth of your teeth, jaw, and mouth to be able to assess if any early orthodontic treatment needs to be administered. From the ages of 8 years old to 14 years old, children’s head and mouth are still growing which makes this time the right time to get braces. Another good indicator of when the right time to get braces is after the last baby tooth has fallen out and all of the adult teeth have grown in. However, if you are older than 14 years old, you can still benefit from an orthodontic treatment from Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics.

How long will I need to have my braces?

The most popular question that Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris is asked by prospective patients who are getting braces is, “how long do I need to have braces?”. Most patients have orthodontic treatments for between 18 and 30 months. However, it depends on the individual patient’s case and their specific treatment. A consultation with the team at Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics is the best indicator of how long your specific treatment will last.

As expected, braces and orthodontic treatment at any age can be sensitive for a patient. For those under the age of 18, it is important parents discuss the matter with their children before braces are put on. Remind them that although having braces can be uncomfortable at first, they become easier to adjust to over time and the perfect smile you are going to receive is well worth it. If you participate in any type of extracurricular activity such as a sport or playing an instrument, you will learn quickly how to perform with your braces. If your sport requires a mouthguard, make sure to speak with Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris about playing while undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Braces can help patients with problems at any age, 7 and up! Whether you are 7 years old with crooked teeth or 50 years old with an overbite, Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris can help figure out the appropriate time for treatment as well as the appropriate treatment for your specific case. For more information or to schedule an appointment with Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics in Santa Barbara, CA, visit our office or call us at 805.687.7417.

Of course they can! An orthodontist is a dentist that has received special training from a dental school or college after graduating from dentistry. They deal mainly with diagnosis, prevention, and correction of the malposition of teeth and jaws. Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris of Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics works with patients everyday who are looking to fix any malocclusions that they might have. As a professional, they can help you better understand orthodontics and how to fix crooked teeth in Goleta, CA.


Initially, your orthodontist will assess the current state of your teeth and predict how likely they are to develop without orthodontic treatment. Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris says that a full medical and dental health history, x-rays of the teeth and jaw, a clinical examination, and a plaster model of your teeth will help them determine your treatment options. Many orthodontists offer an initial consultation where these services will be provided free of charge.


A malocclusion refers to crooked, misaligned teeth and a flaw in the relation between the bottom and top dental arches. The Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics team says that malocclusions normally don’t affect your physical health. Some examples of malocclusion include crossbite, overbite, underbite, open bite, reverse bite, asymmetrical teeth, and impacted teeth.

Fixed Appliances

These are used to treat malocclusions where precision is key. Although patients can eat normally with these appliances, Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris advises his patients in Goleta, CA to avoid some foods and drinks that may damage them. Appliances regularly used are braces, fixed space maintainers, or special fixed appliances, the latter of which should only be used if necessary.

Removable Appliances

Unlike fixed appliances, removable appliances can be taken out of the patient’s mouth at any time. However, they should only be taken out when cleaning, eating, flossing, or if the doctor recommends that they be removed for activities like sports or playing an instrument. A Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics specialist mentions that orthodontists regularly use removable retainers, lip and cheek bumpers, splints, aligners (like Invisalign), palatal expanders and headgear.

Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic surgery is used in Goleta, CA to correct conditions of the face and jaw that are related to structure, sleep apnea, growth, malocclusions, or other problems that cannot be easily treated with braces. The process involves cutting and realigning bones in the jaw, and then keeping them held in place with plates or screws. This is also referred to as corrective jaw surgery.

Treatment Process

The Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics associates describe the orthodontic treatment process as follows:

  1. Your orthodontist will analyze and recognize the qualities of the malocclusion presented.
  2. They will define the nature of the issue, and address the cause(s).
  3. Create a treatment plan specifically tailored to the patient’s needs.
  4. Present their strategy to the patient so that they have a complete understanding of the issue presented, as well as the process that will be used to correct it.
  5. Set the treatment plan into motion.

If you’re still curious about the orthodontic process, then feel free to call Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris and the team at Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics in Goleta, CA. They can assist in answering any questions that you might have about orthodontics and correcting your teeth. So what are you waiting for? Call 805.964.4786 to schedule an appointment and get the beautiful smile that you deserve, today!

For teens, the idea of metal braces is often dreaded. After all, no one wants to look back on their summer vacation, cousin’s graduation party, or every day Instagram photos, and see a half-hearted, embarrassed smile, or an unattractive layer of metal over their teeth. Luckily, traditional metal braces are no longer the only option for teens. Now, Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics offers Invisalign Teen, a custom solution just for teens that eliminates the negatives associated with metal braces, while still producing a straight, perfect result. If you or your teen in Santa Barbara, CA wants to learn more about the benefits of Invisalign Teen, read these important points from Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris:

Invisalign Teen is a series of clear, plastic aligner trays that are custom made to fit over the teeth. They work in the same way as traditional braces to gently move the teeth to better positions, creating a long lasting, flawless smile. Often, patients in Santa Barbara, CA believe that they cannot get Invisalign, because they have a complex or unique case. Drs. Kubisch and Ferris say that Invisalign Teen can treat a huge range of cases, and often can solve most teen’s orthodontic problems. If you believe you may be interested in Invisalign Teen in Santa Barbara, CA, Drs. Kubisch and Ferris will be happy to arrange a consultation, during which they will analyze if you are an appropriate candidate for Invisalign Teen.

Invisalign Teen is also removable. This is great for teens because it allows for restriction-free eating, brushing, and flossing habits, making for better overall health. Additionally, Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics says that Invisalign Teen’s removable nature is great for teens that participate in sports, playing a musical instrument, or other activities. This is because it keeps the mouth free of metal parts, so the risk of oral injury is lower. And, teens will find that enjoying their favorite activities is as easy and comfortable as ever, whether they choose to keep Invisalign in while participating, or opt to remove the trays. But, Drs. Kubisch and Ferris say to always remember to put your Invisalign trays in a safe place, as often times teens may misplace them or discard them by accident. If you do lose them, Invisalign Teen is specially made for teens, and does have a solution! Invisalign Teen comes with some replacement aligners that Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics will be happy to provide.

Of course, another huge benefit of Invisalign Teen is that it is completely clear. Invisalign Teen in Santa Barbara, CA gives patients the opportunity to feel fully confident in their smiles while undergoing treatment. Only the patient wearing the aligners can tell they’re there, making for a more cosmetically pleasing system than traditional metal braces. Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics reminds that Invisalign does require a retainer, like any other orthodontic treatment system. But, luckily, there are Invisalign retainers available, so teens can continue to enjoy the same benefits throughout the retention process as well.

Invisalign Teen is the newest trend in orthodontics, making it an even more perfect fit for teens in Santa Barbara, CA. To learn more about Invisalign Teen, visit the Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics website. Contact Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris at 805-687-7417 to schedule your first appointment, and get your Invisalign Teen treatment started!

When thinking about getting braces, prospective patients automatically think of the pain which many patients associate with them. Unfortunately, yes, braces do hurt from time to time. However, this pain is not constant and usually not as bad as it is said to be. A good way to avoid and reduce pain which results from braces is to know exactly why your braces might hurt. Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris of Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics are here to share what might be causing your new braces to hurt and some ways you can reduce the pain during treatment.

Why do Braces hurt?

Many patients know that dental braces hurt, but most people don’t understand why. The mouth is a very sensitive part of the body and adding new brackets, wires, and other appliances can cause some occasional pain or discomfort. According to Drs. Kubisch and Ferris, braces can hurt for a variety of reasons including:

  1. Irritation inside the mouth

    When you first get orthodontic braces, your mouth needs a few days to adjust. This new addition on the fronts of your teeth takes up room in your mouth, and your mouth now needs to figure out how to live with the braces. This can sometimes result in irritation as the braces, and your teeth/gums are interacting for the first time. However, once the two are comfortable, the irritation should disappear.

  2. Broken bracket

    Dental braces are constantly under stress during your orthodontic treatment. This unyielding pressure can occasionally cause a break. Broken brackets are completely normal and happen to almost everyone at least once during treatment.  However, a broken bracket may cause some pain and irritation as there will likely be some “poking” of the mouth, especially if you have traditional metal braces. If this occurs, make an appointment with Drs. Kubisch and Ferris at Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics as soon as possible to fix the problem and make sure no further problems or pain occurs.

  3. Shifting of teeth

    We all know that dental braces shift your teeth to give you the healthy, picture-perfect smile you’ve dreamed of. This shifting of the teeth is what causes the most pain when it comes to braces. When your braces are tightened, they are aligning your teeth and essentially changing your teeth’s position in your mouth. This movement is what causes the most tension and pain in patients with orthodontic braces.

How to prevent braces from hurting?

While braces do hurt for a variety of reasons, there are also many different ways to combat this occasional pain.

  1. Avoid hard foods

    When your braces get tightened, your teeth will naturally hurt for a little while because they are moving more than usual. During this time, hard foods should be avoided as they can bring more pain because of the amount of effort they take to chew. It also takes some time to get used to chewing with braces. Some foods which are better to eat when your braces hurt are soft foods such as pasta, mashed potatoes, yogurt, bananas, etc.

  2. Take over-the-counter or doctor prescribed medication

    When your teeth hurt because of braces, there is nothing wrong with taking over-the-counter medicine or a medicine that Drs. Kubisch and Ferris prescribed to lessen the pain. Medicines, such as Tylenol and Advil can help subside the pain until your braces feel more comfortable in your mouth.

Braces can hurt for a variety of reasons. However, they are well worth it in the long run to get a healthy, sparkling smile! For more information about why braces hurt during treatment or to make an appointment with Dr. Raymond Kubisch, Dr. Andrew Ferris and Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics, visit our office in Goleta, CA or contact us today at 805-964-4786.


At Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics near Goleta, CA, we work to customize the teeth straightening care that best fits your cosmetic needs. As orthodontic care advances, patients have been requesting the use of Invisalign, or clear braces more often than the traditional metal ones. The question that Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris is often asked now is which treatment is more effective? And honestly, the answer may be as subjective as to the needs and tastes of every individual patient and which will benefit the patient the most. To clarify some of the differences between Invisalign and braces near Goleta, CA, Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris has selected the major ideas that set the two apart.

  1. Traditional Braces are irremovable. Braces consist of brackets and wires that are inserted into the mouth and worn 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Since they cannot be taken out there must be proper precautions made over the types of foods eaten or any contact sports played that might cause damage. Invisalign is removable and essentially invisible to the human eye. They should be worn 24 hours a day but can be taken out during eating or play. Being removable makes them convenient, but extra steps must be taken to ensure they stay clean and hygienic.
  2. Traditional braces are made of metal brackets and wires. They provide stability and effective teeth straightening, however the sides or “wings” of the brackets might cause sores and pain during teeth movement. Invisalign is made of a strong medical grade, thermoplastic material that are fitted snugly around the teeth to position desired by the patient. Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris agrees that Invisalign causes less pain and discomfort, however might not be as effect as traditional braces to move teeth vertically.

In the end, it all depends on the individual patient. At Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics near Goleta, CA, we strive to make the best decisions for your smile and will help you in choosing the right orthodontic treatment for you. If you have any questions, or would like to set up a consultation with Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris, contact us today at 805.964.4786!


What do You need to Know About Braces for Adults?

If you’re looking for a new way to straighten or fix your teeth, remember that it’s never too late and we here at Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics are here to help you. Whether you are 19 years old or 34, orthodontists work hard to help you achieve the perfect smile you’ve been longing for.

There’s a general misconception when we think about who is “supposed to have” braces; although it’s more common to see braces supported on the teeth of younger children and teens, adults wearing braces make up about half of all orthodontic patients in the United States. Braces for adults have evolved considerably in recent years, and due to these changes have helped the evolution of braces into how we use them today; making them more lightweight and easy to put on and take off.

At Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics, braces for adults near Santa Barbara, CA are gaining popularity and becoming extremely common. But for those who think they are “too old” for braces, Dr. Raymond Kubisch, Dr. Andrew Ferris, and our team here at Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics can assure you that is not the case. Here, we have some information for you to help show that braces can be for adults too, and can be right for even you!

Why May You need to Wear Adult Braces?

At Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics, our ortho team recommends braces for any patient near Santa Barbara, CA who wish to correct their misaligned teeth, mouth, and jaw. Any such problem may not only affect appearance, but can cause serious damage to your oral health in the future.

It’s important to know that misaligned teeth and any crossbites can increase the likelihood of plaque buildup and trap food in and around your teeth. These may increase the chances of the individual developing gum diseases and periodontal complications, also leading to tooth decay, toothache, earache, and headaches. Improperly aligned teeth can also cause problems while chewing food, and this may eventually lead to gastrointestinal complications.

Improperly aligned teeth may cause problems when speaking as well. Apart from making an individual shy about his or her appearance, misaligned teeth may also prevent people working in certain industries or in client-facing jobs from achieving their professional goals.

Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris are here to help. If you wish to consult with us here at Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics, call us at 805.687.7417. We can help give you more information on whether or not braces may be right for you, or if there is another type of treatment available for you.

What are the Different Types of Braces for Adults?

At Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics, our team can help you narrow down the wide range of orthodontic treatment options for adults. Although there are several to choose from, we are here to help you pick the correct and affordable option that fits your needs:

  • Traditional Metal Braces: Made of high-quality stainless steel, many dentists feel that these are the most effective devices for straightening teeth, especially in cases where there is severe misalignment. They often produce the desired results faster than any other kind of braces.
  • Clear Ceramic Braces: Preferred by many people who want their braces to be less conspicuous, for aesthetic or professional reasons. Clear ceramic braces for adults are fitted to the front of the teeth and match the color of the individual’s teeth.
  • Lingual or Concealed Braces: Are worn at the back of the teeth and cannot be seen. These braces have brackets that keep them in place.
  • “Invisible” Braces or Aligners: Also known as Invisalign, these clear, easily-removable braces are ideal for people with mild teeth-spacing issues. The aligners can be removed while eating, brushing teeth, and flossing making these healthy and hygienic choices for the individual wearing these. These braces are almost invisible and are preferred by people who feel self-conscious about appearing in public with braces on. At Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics, Invisalign treatment is quickly gaining popularity and often a top choice for our adult patients.

If you wish to find out more about adult orthodontic treatment plan options, and finding out if adult braces are right, set your next orthodontic consultation here with Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics in Santa Barbara, CA! If you have misaligned or crooked teeth, or just want to improve your smile, adult braces may be the right choice for you. Contact us today at 805.687.7417 and meet with Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris and our team for your next orthodontic appointment!

Orthodontics does not know an age limit. While many adults feel embarrassed or overwhelmed by the thought of having to undergo orthodontic treatment, the truth of the matter is that adult orthodontics is very common and braces are not only for children. In fact, statistics have shown that one in every five patients in orthodontic treatment is over 21! Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics believes in granting a beautiful smile to patients of any age. And while adult braces near Isla Vista may seem like a scary idea, consider some of the following before ruling this treatment out.

Braces can help your future. The age old saying “when you look good, you feel good” certainly applies to your smile. How many times have you been told to dress to impress on an interview? What about on a date or at a social event? Dressing to your best ability means wearing your best accessory, your smile. A smile can change everything about your look, your confidence, and therefore your future Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris can help you get your best smile near Isla Vista today. Braces will straighten your teeth, realign your smile, and help you put your best foot forward in the world.

It doesn’t have to be noticeable. Many adults shy away from treatment for fear of how they will look while in treatment. Adults often associate the idea of braces with traditional metal appliances, the ones that come with adolescent memories. However, in addition to traditional metal braces, Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics offers a variety of more fashionable options. These include Invisalign, the clear plastic aligners, and ceramic braces, which are similar to traditional though clearer and less visible. These two alternative take the “awkward teenager” idea out of braces, and put the “glowing smile” in.

The cost won’t kill your wallet. Of course, in today’s economy, cost is important to consider. However, depending on how severe the case, the cost of orthodontic treatment for adults can and will vary. Often, traditional braces will cost upwards of $4,000 (with some less expensive options). Invisalign or clear braces will most likely be a bit higher in price (ranging from about $5,000 to a possible $10,000), but depending on how extensive the treatment may be relatively equivalent.  Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris can assess your case individually and match the price that is right for you. The Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics team are eager to make your experience as cost effective as possible. These prices may seem like a pretty penny, however braces will increase your confidence and your overall look for the rest of your life; something that could be defined as a priceless investment. Moreover, your personal health care plans may cover some of the costs. Ask your insurance provider and Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris for more details.

It is never too late to start straightening your smile. After all, braces can help your job and personal life, without costing too big of a budget. Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics near Isla Vista provides many alternatives to traditional treatment, including Invisalign and clear braces. Stop by our office or call us today at 805.964.4786 for more information.

Invisalign in California

It’s easy to see how having a perfect smile could benefit you in every way. Unfortunately, most of us here in Ventura, CA. weren’t born with that picture perfect smile. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t still get it!

Drs. Kubisch and Ferris and our team at Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics with an office location near Ventura, CA. can help you to get your picture perfect smile. And, now we can do it more easily than ever, without the hassle of traditional metal braces.

Our orthodontic office near Ventura, CA. offers a clear alternative option for teeth straightening called Invisalign, which uses a series of invisible, removable, and comfortable aligners that no one can tell you’re wearing. So while you’re on your way to that perfect smile, you can feel more relaxed and confident too.

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign is removable and durable, so you can still enjoy participating in sports, playing musical instruments and even eating and cleaning your teeth without having to worry about making major adjustments. Our Invisalign experts at Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics help you to come up with the perfect, personalized Invisalign treatment plan, and are there every step of the way to answer your questions and give advice on how to incorporate your Invisalign care simply into your daily life.

If you are interested in learning more about Invisalign near Ventura, CA. please give us a call at (805) 964-4786 or visit our office to schedule an appointment with Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics.

Halloween pumpkin head jack lantern on wooden background

Halloween is a favorite holiday among children due to the festive games, imaginative costumes, and candy. Modern celebrations stem from a combination of traditions from Pagan and Christian traditions throughout the centuries. The original holiday was called Samhain and derived from the ancient Druids of Ireland. In their belief system, November 1st marked the beginning of winter, and Pagans began their Samhain celebrations at sunset on October 31st.

Modern Celebrations of Halloween

Children and adults love dressing up for Halloween, and this tradition comes from the ancient belief in spirits. From sunset on October 31st until sunrise on November 1st, the souls of the dead entered the physical world. Some spirits were benevolent and wanted only to cross over to the afterlife while others harbored malicious intents of revenge and trickery. Pagans wore masks and disguised themselves so that the malevolent souls would mistake them as fellow spirits.
Families left food and ale outside of their doors to appease the spirits. With the rise of Christianity in Europe, the church encouraged its members to offer food and money to beggars. In exchange, the beggars would agree to pray for the family’s deceased loved ones. Eventually these traditions led to the development of today’s customs where children dressed up and received candy from their neighbors while circling the community.

Teeth-Friendly Treats

With all of the excitement and free candy on Halloween, it is easy to get carried away on a sugar high. Parents warn their children not to eat too many pieces in one night to avoid tummy aches and cavities. Our team at Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics especially wants to remind children with braces to be extra cautious about the treats they eat because some varieties can get stuck in between the brackets and damage the devices. Sticky candy, such as caramels, fruit chews, and gum should be avoided when wearing braces. Children can trade with their friends and siblings to get only safe candies. The following list offers some alternative treats that children with braces can safely enjoy.

Solid chocolate, including milk, white, or dark
Nougat-filled candy bars, such as Three Musketeers
Candy-coated chocolates like M&Ms
Powdery candy, such as Sweet Tarts or Pixie Stix
Mint-flavored candy
Malted milk balls
Peanut butter crackers

When in doubt, children should call Drs. Kubisch and Ferris at (805) 964-4786 or visit Kubisch & Ferris Orthodontics in Los Olivos, CA to make sure If a specific candy is safe. Halloween is a fun holiday for children, and having braces does not have to take away any of the excitement from tasty treats.

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